Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I need to drown out the voices in my head...

I hate the quiet... I'm not good at quiet time... I'm Italian I'm loud by nature! My job has a no noise policy... it is painfully quiet here and it drives me insane. Everyone has an office here so there is no normal office banter and quite honestly I miss it! That is probably one of the very few things I do not like about this job. I miss being able to talk to someone on a daily basis. I think it is more so lately because I'm living away from home right now, so even when I go home I only have the tv to talk to... UGH! I do have a work "friend" but she is at our other location in Houston so we only "talk" over Skype messenger... LOL 

I'm seriously thinking about moving to Houston... Well I'm thinking about asking to transfer to the Houston office. Then moving to a small beach town outside of Houston.... I'm about a year away from doing that. I need to get a car, hahahaha I know, and save some money and let my youngest finish middle school where she is. We will see.... 

Now if I can get some music or something allowed up here I can drown out these voices in my head... They are getting crazy....

Image result for pictures of voices in my head

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